Thursday, December 24, 2009

Is there away to get stains out of washed and dry ed clothes?

Absolutely!! I've had many items come out of the dryer, only to discover that a grease stain or grass stain was still there! There is something that has worked every time for me:

I use Gain so I put a little Gain directly on the stain, let it sit while I load the rest of the clothes, then rub the stain and toss it into the washer. It removes even set-in stains and I've never had to go back and re-treat!

I hope this helps! Good Luck!Is there away to get stains out of washed and dry ed clothes?
it depends on the stain but usually if it is dryed it can sometimes set in a stain worseIs there away to get stains out of washed and dry ed clothes?
yes there is

dry or wet

on whites use bleach /bleach pen then wash it that night when ur done doin wat ur doin

and darks use tide / tide pen

lol good luck

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