Thursday, January 7, 2010

I have washed a red T-shirt which colour bled all over my other clothing. How can I get the stains out ?

I have had great results when I soak in oxiclean by my method. It doesn't hurt any fabric, whites or colors. Whites and colors come out looking bright and new. It takes out most every stain, in an hour to three days. I Don't use the package instructions!

Dissolve 1/2 cup oxiclean powder in some hot water, in a bucket or large bowl. Add enough COLD water so the item can soak. Add the COLD water after the oxiclean is dissolved. Let soak till the stain is gone. Sometimes I put a towel on top to keep the item in the water.

Each day as needed Refresh the oxiclean and water. By draining the water and making a new mixture.

I got hair dye, food stains, mold %26amp; mildew, grass stains, yellowing from age, under arm stains out, also Bleeding from other colors out, just to name a few tough stains that can be gotten out! (remember to soak in cold water).I have washed a red T-shirt which colour bled all over my other clothing. How can I get the stains out ?
You really can't. Once that red dye has bled into the other clothes, it's pretty much permanent. Maybe after years of washing over and over it might fade out. But, your discolored clothing is pretty much ruined (unless you like pink).I have washed a red T-shirt which colour bled all over my other clothing. How can I get the stains out ?
wheh this happens to me I just rewash the clothes with some bleach used for colored clothes and they come out just fine, Sometimes this may take 1-2 washimgs, but it works.
You mean your whites are now pink? Dang, I've tried bleaching the heck out of them pinks. They're just rags now. You could try dying them another color, but watch out for them bleeding again.
put them right back through the wash cycle now, and most will be fixed. those which are not can be re-washed again , if they are white use the regular amount of bleach.too much will ruin them


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